Minecraft World
Minecraft World
Minecraft World
Minecraft World

Minecraft World

Minecraft World

Welcome to Minecraft World, a rich platform world where you can build, forage, and engage in a variety of other exciting activities in a free survival setting. Do you enjoy creating buildings, hunting, fighting foes, and competing against other players? Do whatever you like and let your imagination go wild in this game.

Minecraft World retains the recognizable look of Minecraft games but has no particular missions, allowing you to explore your own style of play. Begin by breaking and arranging blocks to plan your building. Build a multi-story house with a garden to live in. Don't forget to replenish your food supply and create defensive weaponry. In addition, you can explore resources and participate in underground treasure hunts. Have fun in Minecraft World!

How to control

  • Control with arrow keys
  • Press left mouse button to select or destroy block
  • Press right mouse button to place block
  • Press T key to throw
  • Press spacebar to jump
  • Keys 1 - 9 to open tool inventory

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