The Legend of Mora follows you on an intriguing trip through a retro platform world with a courageous little knight. Hold your sword firmly and prepare to face all of the challenging tasks as you strive to eliminate all of the horrible monsters in the forest and restore peace to the realm.
To win in The Legend of Mora, you must use smart techniques to choose the best attack and defense directions. You will continually face odd beasts in the forest, each with a different size and method of destruction. Remember your failures so you know what to do if they happen again. Pay attention to your life and energy bars. Always recover your health to prepare for the next encounter. I wish you a safe travel to the kingdom in The Legend of Mora!
Use the left mouse button to select the energy icons on the screen. To defeat each sort of enemy, a unique attack or defense strategy will be required.
Next, become a brave knight and defeat cruel opponents in Lode Retro Adventure's equally outstanding retro-style platforming setting.